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Developments: adult education is not a special priority in Bulgaria

According to the Bulgarian Association of Ergonomy and Human Factors (BAEHF), the situation of adult learning and education (ALE) has stayed the same in Bulgaria compared to previous years. There have not been any important changes or innovations in the sector. ALE is not a special priority in Bulgaria. 

BAEHF states that the Bulgarian government should announce calls to fund the work of adult education organisations, training of teachers and the delivery of adult education courses. They would also like to make better use of the European adult education projects, which have produced many useful results but do not reach the citizens because the materials, courses and platforms produced are hard to find. This should be improved, for example, by developing a database where they can be found.  

Country reports by the European Commission

The Country Reports published by the European Commission reflect the Bulgarian situation to some extent. They get publicity, but there is no action plan to ensure sustainability. 

Financing of adult education

Adult learning and education are mainly financed through project funding in Bulgaria. The financial situation has stayed the same in comparison to last year. 


BAEHF is currently developing a strategy to promote sustainability in its work procedures. Within their organisation, sustainability is promoted through capacity building and project applications. However, there still is potential for further implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Bulgarian adult education sector.


Civil society in Bulgaria was not actively trying to get involved in CONFINTEA VII and the process leading up to the conference. Moreover, BAEHF states that the implementation of the Marrakech Framework for Action, which is the outcome document of CONFINTEA VII, would require a substantial increase in funding for ALE. 

Future plans

Ergonomic design, digitalization, industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and human life will be the focus areas of BAEHF’s work this year.